Sample Report
The market value tool estimates the retail value of your car, truck, or motorcycle — based on the price that similar vehicles across the United States have sold for in recent months.
The market value interface includes:
- The average: the mean price across recent similar cars sold
- The distribution: how much prices go above/below the average
- The count: the number of similar sales behind this estimate
- The time period: an adjustable number of months to look back
- The certainty: the level of statistical confidence in this estimate
How does Auto Profile Experts estimate a vehicle’s market value?
As part of Auto Profile Experts’ vehicle history business, our systems continuously aggregate and store millions of vehicle sale records each month from industry partners. These include both private party sales and dealer sales across all 50 states in the United States, giving insight on the average market prices of vehicles for sale across the country and how these market prices change over time. This market value widget reflects APE’s estimate on a vehicle’s present market value based on sales of vehicles with a similar year, make, model, and trim.